Troubleshooting Amjay Software Solutions Enrollment Issues
This topic is intended for Independent pharmacies only and is not applicable to Rexall pharmacies.
This section outlines how to handle common enrollment issues with the Amjay program in Propel Rx, such as missing information prompts and communication errors.

The Enroll/Decline button in the Patient Folder Programs tab can be disabled if the patient is not eligible to be enrolled (i.e., under 14 years of age).

You will encounter the above error if the email address is missing in the Patient Folder or it does not follow the format, "". Enter or edit the primary email address in the Main tab and save the changes before attempting to enroll again.

You will encounter the above error if the email address was already used to enroll another patient in the Amjay program at your pharmacy. Confirm the patient's email address and update it in the Patient Folder Main tab if needed.

You will encounter the above error when the web service cannot be reached while sending a message from Propel Rx to Amjay Software Solutions or vice versa. When this occurs, try sending the request at a later time. If issues persist, contact PTS Customer Care.

If a patient wants to reset or forgot their user credentials, decline them from the Amjay program. Then, re-enroll them to issue a new PAT INT#.